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Monday, 21 January 2013

SWAT Redecoration

After returning from AFK, Sir jmmey321 went back to work on the half-redecorated HQ. Here's how it goes, in chronological order:

Part of SWAT HQ's Builders Team, SWATStorage. Also known as Sir jmmey321.
So this is what it looks like under the VIP/thrones area
The new bar is open! And the original bot Danie is back! :D

No doubt about it. Sir jmmey321's building whilst AFK. That's AFK building, yup yup.

When one group gate is not enough, bring out 5 more. Still not enough? Spam the whole area with them!

Wabtaz, <SWAT> Character Copier. Does a good imitation of Sir Habtaz's looks.
How the training area looks like now. 

Helpdesks area are being formed. Fiona is in the Imperial Teleport on the edge of the bar. Dangerous place to be in.
The fully redecorated HQ. Looks amazing. And stunning. 
And that's how it ended!

(A few days afterwards, SWAT HQ was trashed. Apparently by NABZ10)

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