In Eastern Time (GMT-5)

Clock is in Eastern Time (GMT-5).
Paytime will be at your time.

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Cindy's Old Script

[OFFICIAL] .:BDM-Owner:.'s Training Script
Please do not say out anything in red. The words in bold are to be replaced.

Welcome Agents, we will now begin your Official SWAT training.

I am yournamehere and I will be your trainer for today.

During this time, do not talk, move around, and hold all questions until instructed.

Please note, if you go AFK (away from keyboard) at any time you will automatically fail and have to 
retake the entire training course.

Also I would highly recommend for you to feel free on taking notes, 
as there will be a test at the end.

Does anyone have questions before we begin?

~~Wait for any responses~~

Are you ready?

~~Wait for any responses~~

Let's begin! :D


Today we will be learning imperative rules to succeed here at SWAT.

You will be learning 7 rules every SWAT member must abide by, as well as all commands you will hear
often while working.

To start, we will now go over the 7 rules you must follow at all times:

1. NEVER ask for pay, promotions, or rights (you have to earn them)
2. Always call higher ranks sir/ma’am (It shows respect and kindness)
3. No dancing or effects (It causes you to lose concentration from your job)
4. Always be nice and have fun (no bullying, racism, ect..)
5. NO DOUBLE JOBBING. (Double jobbing means working and serving from other agencies in a different
place each time and it is a very important issue addressed in SWAT, it shows that you are not:
committed, loyal and shows you have compromised the integrity of SWAT)
6. NEVER Self Promote. (Self Promotion is "stealing" someones else motto or promoting your self
without the actual promoter promoting you)
7. NEVER Away from keyboard/be right back at front desk/hallway (You AFK/BRB at Bar/FTB only)

Any questions over these rules or what they mean?

~~Wait for any responses~~

We will now learn the basic commands: FTF, FTS, FTB, BTB, Attention, and AE.

FTF – This means FILL THE FRONT (Desks). When commanded, you must go to a
desk and do the following jobs:

Recruit others the way you were recruited.

Let other SWAT workers in. Before letting another person in you must:

Always check for the correct Badges, Uniform, Motto. Also known as BUM 

B -Check for SWAT badge (it should be owned by Jmmey321 or hippychick1996)
Check for any other work badges (FBI, CIA, HRP, ect.) these also must be removed before
they can enter training, or the SWAT lobby.

U -Check for uniform (All ranks under HIGH RANK ASSISTANT require the uniform)

M -Check for proper motto (always containing <SWAT> at the beginning)

FTB – This means FILL THE BACK. When commanded, you sit on the neon chairs located behind me, in the bar area and watch for a desk to open in the front. 

I will now show you where FTB is located.

~~Shows Agent's FTB~~

This is where you Fill the Back.

~~Returns to trainers area~~

Never AFK at Hallway And Always Stay in FTB if the front desk are full.

BTB – This means BACK TO BASE. When commanded you must return to SWAT HQ as soon as possible.

Attention – When commanded you must stand, face the commanding officer, wave and say yes sir/ma'am.

After this you will hear AE – AT EASE. This means you can sit and continue what you were doing.

Any questions over the commands I just went over?

~~Wait for responses~~

Last part of training will be a test so I hope you have been paying attention.

I will ask you a series of questions and you will be required to answer in a whisper.
Please whisper me yes sir\ma’am now if you understand.

~~Wait for everyone to whisper you~~

Ready to begin? Please be sure to whisper your answers now.

1. What does FTF and FTB mean? 

- Answer: Fill the Front and Fill the Back 

2. What does AE mean?

- Answer: At Ease

3. What are 3 out of the 7 rules you must follow?

- Answer: (Answers vary) See Rules

4. Where is the FTB area? 

- Answer: (Answers vary) In the bar section..

5. Is Self Promotion allowed? 

- Answer: No, it is not.

SWAT training has now ended.

To those who have passed congratulations, you are now a member of SWAT.

I will whisper you your new motto’s.

To those who have failed, you will stay behind and retake training.

<SWAT> Offi. Agent I <yourpromotag>

Please take note that the I after Agent is a capitalized i.

Please stand and whisper me when you think it’s correct.

Congratulations! Welcome to the  ¥SWAT Team™¥ Family, I wish you well, nyaa~!

Do not let them leave until ALL mottos are 100% correct. 

* NOTE: Please ensure the I after Agent is a capitalized i *

*Basic Question & Answer:

When is pay? Sunday's 3:30 PM Central

How much is pay? 1-2c's
Who is the owner of SWAT? Jmmey321
Who do we buy ranks from? Jmmey321 & Hippychick1996
What's the forum website? (It's best to just show them the forum's badge to avoid getting 

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