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Sunday, 6 January 2013


HRP HQ has recovered from its "trashing" by one of its own founder. It has been restored to its previous glamour, and more:
Founders: BadgeWay, Kushja, Jon

CSI UK is currently almost devoid of people. Its own security member is locked outside it. Not even a VIP of it could get him all the way in. It was an irony... a VIP letting a security in.... only for the security to get stuck in the security area.... (This picture was taken before the HQ itself was open):
Founder: JunkyardJohn      CoFounder: LoveNess.
Note: CSI UK has closed. Its Founder and Co-Founder are back with SWAT.

SWAT HQ from before ex-Sir BadgeWay left:
Founders: jmmey321, Hippychick1996, Habtaz, BadgeWay

ElectroShock NiteClub is still in its grand opening, awaiting for Sir WhiskeyTheSmart's return. Here's what it looks like without its moodlight:
Owner: WhiskeyTheSmart     Co-Owners: 2CoOlDrEy9, CindyLowXinli, szymon199, RaGeMaStEr, Obssesor,,

There is one thing in common it seems. They all use the same room layout, just different designs and furniture.
And one is totally the odd one out too :p

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