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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Random snapshots of SWAT Life - 8Jan2013

When did joining us require a recruit membership? Also included, is a joke by Ma'am Zoe ;)

Another joke by Sir ToD, which isn't shown here is:

Q: When a plane crashes into a mountain, where does it come out?
A: It comes out in the news.

After the maintainence, only a few of us were in the HQ:

 In preparation for the taking of the screenie:
We finally got into place, and each of us took the screenie. Here's my version:
I then cropped it to this size, and began working on my new sig:
To view the final results of my sig, just view my signature on the forum ;)

Corporal, hardworking as usual. He was one of the others that returned soon after we took the screenie above:

By the way, I just noticed.... Did anyone else notice that the HR Lounge looks like a heart?

Okay.... Um seriously.... Google and Baidu are considered users? And I thought Baidu only caches Chinese pages....

Did the rank "<SWAT> Boss Of Agents" used to exist, just like EU did?
Before, we had a <SWAT> Brick Layer:
What's next? A new CEO rank?

Here is one of a transfer requests which Hero handled excellently:

Made a signature for Riley too. You can check it out on his posts.

On another note... noah will be offline for quite some time as he tackles his virus....

Here's a random sig up for grabs:


  1. lol nice calligraphy of my name! And I dunno when maintenance is over. (CorporalHabbo)

  2. It's already over. And that picture of you was taken after the maintainence, Corporal.
