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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Random Snapshots of SWAT Life - 9Jan2013

Appears I will be banned pretty soon.... I was warned just for welcoming people.
Or maybe it was from my training sessions. I was muted for flooding several times while training:
I wasn't even spamming..... :(

On another note, Sir JunkyardJohn, LoveNess, szymon199. are now back with us :D
Sir JunkyardJohn, now without
"ex-" in his title.
szymon199, back as Security,
improving the safety of SWAT.

LoveNess., now back after so long
that she has a moustache now.

DJ Mandy, the girliest DJ you ever know, is on air now at ThisHabboFM [11:48am GMT+8]
DJ Mandy (sig)
Ok... I made a mistake... DJ Mandy was supposed to be second, then Rod. Sorry about that mistake :p

DJ Mandy's Events
ThisHabboFM's site, with DJ Mandy on air
DJ Mandy's profile on ThisHabboFM
DJ Mandy's message on ThisHabboFM

noah dropped by, to visit his old friends. Sir ding saw him, invited him to chat with him....
.......Sitting on a Leather Sofa on the bars,
And quietly observed us all... 
...ok, not quietly, as they were chatting. Sitting on the bars of Desk 2.
As they were stretching.....
Few trainees today.....
*crickets chirping*
15 minutes later...............
50 minutes later...............
Corporal is skilled in the ancient arts of patience.....
One hour and a half later....................
Corporal did his best. It's just that there were no trainees.
Being told of by Hero:
With ALYNA7125 commenting on it.
As lion said:
Even Zeus knew that. He FTF'd too.

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