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Friday, 1 March 2013

Stadium Trashed

The Stadium has been trashed... and the question is... whodunnit?

Thanks, Ma'am Dani, for alerting me to the trash.

The list of people who should have had admin to the room rights of the room before it was trashed were:
  • Riley (johncarrell) and his alt
  • Drey (2CoOlDrEy9)
  • John (JunkyardJohn)
  • Sir Seth (S.S.DA.HUSTLA)
  • Chloe (LoveNess.)
  • (ex-)Sir Luke (roof-roof) and his alt
  • noah (noah745)
  • Sir martellb
  • Sir qwerty (qwertyman17)
  • Sir Blitza
  • Corporal (CorporalHabbo)
  • Sir akmal (@akmal7471)
  • Hero (dresdhero)
  • arsenal (arsenal:14)
  • TallMripod
  • 2 of my alts
(This list is accurate as of 26March2013.)
Some time after the above picture was taken, someone either kicked TallMripod from the RR group, or he left it of his own accord. Someone also appears to have removed Chloe from the group as well.

The person who trashed the stadium.... All I can say is
"You sure had a lot of time... to eject all those furniture one by one."

Also, the group has remained locked ever since around 2 weeks ago, during which no other people could have managed to join the RR group. And only admins of the group could have ejected the furni.

However... I trust all those who are in the RR group... so I'm baffled....
And the last time I managed to come on briefly (around 2 days ago), the stadium was still intact. Though I did note that someone had already removed Cherrie from the RR group.

This has not been the first time that the stadium has been trashed, though it is the first time it has truly been trashed. The previous times was just Riley making the stadium better.

As of this post, I am still a bit sick, and I'm not allowed onto the computer as much as before, along with an upcoming enrollment exercise..... I might not be able to come on as frequently as before,  but I will after I get my life sorted out...

On another note, why not check out Chloe's blog?

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