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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Random stuff (31/03/13)

Random Stuffs! How long has it been since I last did this "series"?

Yes, Sir Habtaz isn't all too impressed. But he doesn't show it outright.

I'll admit I was shocked, I didn't notice when Sir BadgeWay entered the room >.<

Did something serious happen to make him say that?

What...? I don't even get.... what he's..........

The cake is a lie. Really, I'm not joking.

You know you want to do it.
No comment.
Never abuse tiles. You can get in trouble for that.
SPCT (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Tiles) coming 2099.

I think the others forgot already.

<SWAT>'s (unofficial) School accepting Students. Come sign up and enroll today!

Not AFK, not offline; logs out to not attend.

Sulake, implement copyright protection.
All I know is that the last word definitely means "attention". Other than that, I have no clue what he said.

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