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Thursday, 21 March 2013

A Series of Confusing Events

Victim: Matrak2246
Date: 21Mar2013
Summary: A series of promotions by three different HR+ in Matrak2246 results in great confusion.

At around 9:01pm, GMT+8, on 21 March 2013, I promoted Matrak2246 from Security Agent I to Security Agent II.
Then, a few seconds later, Matrak PMs me, telling me than bleed7 said that he promoted Matrak first, resulting in Matrak changing his motto from Security Agent II <my_tag> to Security Agent II <bleed7_tag>.

But as Matrak did really work hard indeed, I then took bleed7's first promotion into consideration, changing it so that instead Matrak became Security Agent III <my_tag>.

However.... bleed7 thought that he was self-promotion, and told him to change it back, resulting in his motto becoming Security II <my_tag>, going a cycle then back to what it was.

I then decided to visit CSA soon afterwards to see Sir martellb and arsenal:14. Some ten minutes or more later, iradrian came to CSA, and asked if I did indeed promote Matrak. To that, I affirmed it. He then exclaimed that he had just promoted Matrak, and then went back to get him to change his motto back.

And thus the series of confusing events ends here. I think we gave Matrak a hard time, changing mottos here and there >.<

Date: 23Mar2013

My request for the HRP VIP badge has finally been accepted, but after HRP closed... lol?
Or is it an indication HRP is not really closed, and it will one day return?

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