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Thursday, 7 February 2013

Security Breach! (Resolved)

At around 11:40+pm GMT+8 Timezone, on 7Feb2013, a Security Breach occured.
The two intruders were: iHatePopMusic and Breagha.
For around 10-16 mins, I tried to stop them from getting further into SWAT Hallway, by attempting to block the teleport like so:

Soon afterwards, Ma'am Zoe came to help. She tried to reason with them, and get them to leave nicely, but they refused to cooperate. And claimed that they were health inspectors, here to check every single agency...

After 6 mins, They both managed to glitch their way into the teleport :/
Ma'am Zoe then went after them. Shortly afterwards, JunkyardJohn arrived in the Conference room.
Both of us then went after the two as well.
Once in the hallway, we took up our positions:
Ma'am Zoe stood in front of the teleport that led to the HR hallway; JunkyardJohn in front of the teleport that leads to the HR Lounge; me in front of the teleport to the Conference Room.
Shortly afterwards, they teleported back to the hallway from the HR hallway, and got past ma'am Zoe, and went into the Meeting room :/
JunkyardJohn then stood in front of the HR gate, whilst Ma'am Zoe stood beside him, so they both blocked the way out from the teleport that leads to the Meeting Room.
Ma'am Amy then turned up at this point, and was told of what happened, before she went back to HQ to keep it under control.
True enough, when iHatePopMusic came back out of the teleport, he was seemingly blocked there.
He then tried to make idle chitchat with us.
3 mins afterwards, Sir Habtaz arrived.
iHatePopMusic then quickly went into the teleport behind him, which led to the meeting room.
A few seconds afterwards, Sir Tim came out of that teleport.
Then Sir Habtaz went to eject the American Star Idol Teleport from the Conference Room, which linked it to Streets of Habbo, owned by Sir jmmey321, making it a backdoor.
Sir Habtaz is now trying to find out who rotated the elevator teleport that led to the Conference Room from the Hallway. Sir Tim and Sir liam are shocked at what happened. So are the three of us, along with Ma'am Amy.
This is the first serious Security Breach I have ever known in my time at SWAT...

Before all this happened, I had went to Streets of Habbo by Sir jmmey321, and saw the two there. I then went to stand in front of the American Star Idol Teleport there, hoping that I would be able to block anyone who tries to get in.... But sadly, they still got in :/

Special Thanks to the following:

  • Ma'am Zoe (Zozyrox203), for coming to help stop them right after a training session
  • JunkyardJohn, for being there with Ma'am Zoe and me in the Hallway during the breach
  • Ma'am Amy (pro.desiqnz), for stopping by to check on the issues at hand
  • Sir Habtaz, who came online, and removing the backdoor
  • Sir Tim (.O.Tim.O.), who played a part in getting the intruders out of SWAT

Ma'am Zoe
Ma'am Amy
Sir Habtaz
Sir Tim
Your Blogger

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