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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

CNY > Snake High Priestess' name

There is a new quiz, and I have found the answer. Of course, I only found 5 our of the 6 letters, but managed to guess the answer.
The letters I found were: M, e, D, S, A
The answer is: Medusa

First, go to Wang's Chinese Restaurant, then keep heading up-left, until you reach a room that says you found the hideout. There, say the answer "Medusa", and you will get a shiny new badge, entitled "A fond farewell to the Dragon" with the description "Commemorating its return in 2024".
The badge is shown as below:

First, click on the link below to go to the room depicted in the picture below the link:

Room's Desc:
When you have arrived at Wang's Chinese Restaurant, as seen above, head to the Door Teleport on the left.
Then, you will find yourself in the Snake tastic Lounge. There, continue to head on to and through the other Door Teleport, and you will reach the Year of Snake Hideout.

Snake tastic Lounge
Year of the Snake Hideout

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