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Thursday, 11 April 2013


<SWAT> Scavenger Hunt

Well, it must be that time of the year again. Yup, SWAT's Scavenger Hunt Event will begin sometime soon. Right now, in SWAT Headquarters, you might have seen some space-themed furni here and there. All these are related to the upcoming event, Scavenger Hunt. Most of the details are not known yet, but the details that are known, we will try to fill you up on it. First off, there would be about three teams for the Scavenger Hunt, each led by two BoD+. The three pairs of mannequins located at the front of three of the desks, would represent those teams. That is all the information we know as of this moment. We will try to update you when we get more information on this scoop. Until then, keep your ears
open in the Base! 

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